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  • PT STM Disseminates 2023 Work Performance and 2024 Work Plan in Hu’u Project

    30 / 04 / 2024 Press Release

    Sumbawa Timur Mining

    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM), the holder of the Contract of Work for the Hu’u Project (copper mineral exploration project) in Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, conducted a series of socialization of mineral performance achievements in 2023 and mineral work plans in 2024 to the Central, Provincial and Regency Governments. The socialization activities began in Mataram, the capital of NTB province on 30 April 2024, continued on 7 May 2024 at the Dompu Regent Hall and closed with a meeting with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources in Jakarta on 13 May 2024. All were attended by regional leaders, relevant agencies and institutions.   

    “This is our initiative, as a form of information transparency to the government. We hope that STM’s investment and exploration efforts at the Hu’u Project receive full support and can run smoothly,” said Yan Fuadi, STM’s Head of Mining Engineering, on Tuesday (5/7).

    2024 Work Plan 

    Regarding STM’s 2024 work plan, Yan explained that STM will drill approximately 30 drill holes for the purposes of Area Sterilization, Mine Hydrology, Mine Geotech, Resource and Brown Field Exploration. To support exploration drilling activities this year, STM will utilize 5 units of drilling Rigs, including the use of Horizontal Drilling Rig to support Geotechnical studies.

    “This year we will continue the geotechnical & hydrological study to increase the amount of data and sharpen the technical analysis as a continuation program that has been started last year, including the horizontal drilling method that will be carried out to support this geotechnical study,” he said.

    The Onto deposits, as these mineral deposits are known, offer technical challenges including geological complexity and deposits located 400-600 meters below the earth’s surface. The depth of the Onto deposits makes underground Block Cave mining the only viable mining method for future production operations. The Onto deposits also intersect with geothermal systems, with temperatures ranging from 80 to 110 degrees Celsius, forcing STM to apply appropriate and sophisticated technology to reduce the temperatures and make it feasible for humans to work underground in the future.

    In addition to focusing on Geotechnical and Hydrogeological studies, Yan said STM will also carry out other important activities this year, such as increasing the confidence in Onto’s mineral resources and completing the Brown field and regional exploration program to look for other prospects besides the Onto deposits. There are also other planned exploration support activities to be carried out this year, including drill site preparation and rehabilitation, helicopter activities, supporting infrastructure development, and maintenance of exploration access roads.

    2023 Work Performance 

    Throughout 2023, PT Sumbawa Timur Mining has conducted engineering (technical) studies in the Pre-Feasibility Study stage. The activities carried out include completing the exploration drilling interval to increase resource confidence, conducting geological, geohydrological (Pumping test hole), geochemical and geotechnical studies by operating 7 rigs in the exploration area.

    On the same occasion, STM also conveyed the progress of the preliminary survey and geothermal exploration assignment, with the results showing the potential for electricity generation reaching 60 MW. Yan said, “If it is realized, STM will be the only copper mining company powered by its own geothermal power source. With the support of electricity from renewable energy, it will certainly contribute to efforts to reduce carbon emissions in Indonesia.” STM is currently participating in the limited tender process for WKP Hu’u Daha to obtain a Geothermal License from the Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy (EBTKE).

    STM also conducts regular and more coordinated environmental management and monitoring, and implements Community Development programs.

    Community Relations Manager, Ulya Defretes said that STM also ensures the sustainability of environmental protection activities, mining safety, human resource development, and community development and empowerment. The company will continue its Impactful Community Development activities with three program focuses, namely strategic partnerships, village participation program, as well as donations and sponsorships.

    “Some of STM’s flagship empowerment programs in 2023 are cataract surgery and eye examinations with beneficiaries reaching 3,211 patients. There are also 100 scholarships for D1 Heavy Equipment Engineering students, 40 Prestasi Scholarships for Dompu Regency students of various majors, and completion of the basic literacy program for 148 learning citizens,” he said.

    Regarding donations and sponsorships, Ulya explained that it is done by considering proposals from residents and the benefits of the program. The community development and empowerment program covers health, education, economic empowerment, institutional, infrastructure, environmental, social and cultural sectors.

    “We want to continue to promote the involvement of all stakeholders in our activities and make a positive contribution to regional development in West Nusa Tenggara. We hope that the ongoing cooperation with the local government and the people of West Nusa Tenggara can be even closer to achieve sustainable development,” he ended.

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    About PT Sumbawa Timur Mining – PT STM

    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%) – a subsidiary 100% owned by Vale Holding B.V., and PT Antam Tbk (20%). STM is the owner of the 7th generation Hu’u Project Work Contract (KK) and has completed the Preliminary Survey and Geothermal Exploration Assignment in Hu’u District, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The Contract of Work area covers 19,260 hectares in Dompu Regency and Bima Regency. Currently, STM is carrying out mineral exploration activities to realize its vision of becoming a world-class copper mining operation powered by renewable energy.

     For further information, please contact Sumbawa Timur Mining Team

    Sumbawa Timur Mining
    Sumbawa Timur Mining