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  • Supported by PT STM, PWI Dompu Holds Journalism Training

    Dompu, November 25, 2024 — The Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) of Dompu Regency, supported by PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM), organized a journalism training to enhance journalists’ professional skills. The workshop, attended by 17 participants from various print and electronic media outlets, introduced topics on mining exploration and tips for writing feature stories. The training was also supported by the National News Agency (LKBN) Antara as the facilitator.

    The session on mining exploration was presented by M. Haris Miftahul Fajar, a lecturer in Geophysics Engineering at the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS). Meanwhile, the feature-writing session was delivered by Masuki Astro, a feature editor at LKBN Antara. The training broadened participants’ understanding of mining topics and honed their ability to identify, process, and present inspiring and engaging stories related to these subjects.

    STM Principal Communications Officer, Cindy Elza, expressed her support for the initiative. “We at STM are proud to support this activity, which aims to strengthen the capacity of journalists, particularly in Dompu. We believe that high-quality journalism is key to delivering accurate and meaningful information, which not only benefits the public but also contributes to regional development,” Cindy stated.

    She also extended her appreciation to everyone involved in making the event a success and emphasized the importance of maintaining good collaboration. “Even though STM will transition to care and maintenance status next year, I want to reaffirm that our strong relationship and camaraderie will remain intact. God willing, STM will continue to support activities that benefit the Dompu community,” she added.

    Nasrudin, Chairman of PWI West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), expressed his support for the training during his opening remarks. “We hope this event enhances the capacity and skills of journalists in Dompu so their work can benefit the community while upholding journalistic ethics,” he said.


    About PT Sumbawa Timur Mining

    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vale Base Metals, and PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (20%). STM owns the Hu’u Project, a copper exploration project operating under the 7th Generation Mineral Contract of Work (CoW) in Hu’u District, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The CoW also holds geothermal resources. To explore this potential, the company has completed the Preliminary Survey and Geothermal Exploration Assignment. The CoW area spans 19,260 hectares across Dompu and Bima Regency. STM is continuing its journey to achieve its vision of becoming a world-class copper mining operation supported by renewable energy.

    For further information, please contact STM Communications Team.

    STM’s Integrated Waste Management Ensures a Sustainable Environment

    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM), holder of the seventh-generation Contract of Work permit from 1998 for mineral exploration activities in the Hu’u area, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, is highly committed to environmental preservation. This commitment is demonstrated through an integrated waste management system around its working areas. Waste management is an inseparable part of STM’s exploration activities.

    The handling of hazardous and toxic (B3) waste is governed by the environmental permit document issued by Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Furthermore, STM places significant emphasis on the management of non-hazardous or domestic waste. The company is dedicated to the implementation of a zero-waste concept within and around its areas. To achieve this, STM has formed strategic partnerships with three business contractors to handle waste and trash.

    STM has formed a partnership with CV Diaz, a local company based in Dompu Regency, to oversee the management of non-hazardous or domestic waste. Meanwhile, the management of hazardous (B3) waste is outsourced to two national-scale contractors, PT Prasada Pamuna Limbah Industri (PPLI) and PT Anugrah Mandiri Jaya Energi (AMJE). The selection of multiple partners is designed to optimize waste management at STM. Furthermore, the temporary storage of waste at STM’s operational area is limited to 90 days, necessitating careful and measured handling.

    As stated by Arizal Ardiansyah, an STM Environment team member, the majority of STM’s B3 waste is currently comprised of used oil. This waste is generated from STM’s exploration activities, including drilling, the use of heavy equipment, helicopters, passenger vehicles, and other supporting tools such as generators. Additionally, absorbents, such as cloth rags, are implemented to remove residual oil and other B3 substances. “If not managed correctly, B3 waste can have a detrimental impact on the environment, potentially contaminating water and soil,” he explained.

    STM has obtained government approval for its operations that produce B3 waste. It is a requirement that contractors managing this waste hold the necessary permits. These permits cover all aspects of waste management, including transportation, utilization, storage, and disposal practices. For instance, in the context of waste transportation, vehicles must be equipped with electronic manifests and location tracking capabilities. All stages of the process, up to and including waste disposal, are subject to rigorous monitoring to ensure process safety. Upon completion of the waste disposal process, a certificate is issued to confirm that all necessary steps have been fulfilled.

    In addition, comprehensive supervision is also carried out in the management of non-hazardous (non-B3) waste. It is the responsibility of every employee at STM to ensure proper waste disposal and sorting by type. Maintaining a clean work environment is a fundamental aspect of sustainable mining practices. Consequently, waste bins labelled by type are provided in every room and office for the convenient sorting of waste.

    On a daily basis, waste is collected by third-party personnel who have been appointed for this specific task. Domestic waste is collected at an Integrated Waste Processing Facility (TPST), which is situated within the STM operational area. Subsequently, the waste is subjected to further classification based on its type and color. Organic waste is processed into compost, with some being sent to the Dompu Regency landfill (TPA). The integrated waste processing by STM has the effect of reducing the amount of waste sent to the landfill. The sorting of waste by type and color allows for the recycling process and economic value to be considered. “This waste is sold to recycling banks or secondhand goods collectors,” Arizal explained.

    This integrated waste management approach is a key component of the company’s commitment to upholding sustainability values for the surrounding ecosystem. The protection of water, air, flora, and fauna is in line with the Environmental Management and Monitoring Efforts (UKL-UPL) that were established prior to the commencement of operations. These efforts are designed to ensure the implementation of environmentally-conscious mining operations.

    A series of monitoring and testing procedures are conducted on river water, groundwater, wells, and air quality. These tests, conducted by accredited laboratories, are designed to detect any degradation or changes in environmental quality. The results are communicated to the government in the form of environmental document implementation reports. STM utilizes three laboratories for testing purposes: the primary laboratory, which covers all monitoring points; a second laboratory for comparative analysis; and a government laboratory to validate STM’s data.

    The objective of this layered testing is to guarantee the accuracy of the environmental management research findings, thus providing a reliable foundation for informed decision-making. “The monitoring results demonstrate that all environmental parameters, including soil, water, and air, remain in optimal condition,” Arizal concluded.

    Learn more about our environmental sustainability efforts here.

    100 STM Scholarship Recipients of D1 (Associate Degree) Heavy Equipment Engineering Successfully Graduated

    Sumbawa, September 28, 2024: A total of 100 recipients of the D1 (Associate Degree) Heavy Equipment Engineering scholarship funded by PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) at the Olat Maras Community Academy (AKOM), Sumbawa Regency, successfully graduated. All scholarship recipients are high school graduates from Dompu Regency. This scholarship program aims to support the development of education in Dompu Regency and prepare reliable and work-ready human resources.  

    Before receiving this scholarship, the participants underwent a selection process with the West Nusa Tenggara Regional Research and Innovation Agency (BRIDA) and AKOM. Scholarship candidates are selected based on academic achievement, strong work ethic, and sincere interest in the field to be studied. The selected participants are then entitled to one year of free heavy equipment engineering education. 

    During the scholarship program, participants receive 70% practical learning and 30% theory. This portion is expected to make the academy graduates more prepared for the world of work and skilled in their work. They also get insight development sessions outside the academy curriculum, such as public lectures delivered by STM. 

    STM’s Community Relations Manager, Ulya Defretes, said that the company is committed to supporting community development, including in the field of education.  “Today, we have new young human resources who are ready to work. We hope they can participate in advancing the region, especially Dompu Regency, through their abilities,” she hoped for the graduates of STM’s scholarship program.

    According to Ulya, scholarship programs with various schemes will continue to be run in collaboration with universities. “We do this to continue creating local human resources that are increasingly competitive. We hope that the knowledge gained by the participants can be a provision in achieving success. Let us all continue to work together to realize a better future,” he said.

    Director of AKOM, Ahmad Jaya, S.Pd., MT. congratulated all graduates and graduates who successfully graduated and held the title of Heavy Equipment Engineering Primary Expert (A.P.Tab). According to him, the graduates have the potential to be absorbed by the world of work. They have undergone good education with certified instructors and supported by adequate learning facilities.

    “Utilize the knowledge, skills, and life values that you have gained while studying at AKOM. Show your best quality that you are able to compete, both at the regional and national levels. Perform with good moral values, so that you become the pride of your family, region, and nation,” Ahmad said. 

    Ahmad also appreciated the support from various parties in realizing smart, skilled, creative, and competitive human resources. Since its establishment in 2016 until now, AKOM has graduated 1,200 students. In 2024, AKOM graduated 427 students and 100 of them came from Dompu Regency who received full scholarships from STM.  

    One of the scholarship recipients, M. Khusnul Arasy, expressed his gratitude for having the opportunity to study heavy equipment engineering with the full support of STM. During the learning period, he explored basic operating techniques, loading, excavation, and other matters related to the operation of heavy equipment. He is optimistic that he will be able to put his knowledge into practice in the future. 

    Meanwhile, a scholarship recipient’s guardian, Ridwan, highly appreciates STM for giving his son the opportunity to study D1 Heavy Equipment Engineering. He hopes this program can help his son to be better prepared for the world of work. “The distance from Dompu to Sumbawa is nothing compared to our happiness to be able to attend this graduation ceremony,” he said.

    In addition to the heavy equipment scholarship, STM also runs an achievement scholarship program. This program is given to outstanding students with high GPA scores from Dompu Regency and prioritizes those from underprivileged families. The recipients of this scholarship are studying in public and private universities and are prioritized for those majoring in mining and its support.

    In recognition of its education-focused programs, the Corporate Forum for CSR Development (CFCD) and the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) presented two awards to STM in the 2022 Sustainable Development Goals Award (ISDA). The two awards are Gold Award for Illiteracy Eradication Program and Gold Award for Education Quality Improvement Program.


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    About PT Sumbawa Timur Mining


    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vale, and PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (20%). STM owns the Hu’u Project, a copper exploration project operating under the 7th Generation Mineral Contract of Work (CoW) in Hu’u District, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The CoW also holds geothermal resources. To explore this potential, the company has completed the Preliminary Survey and Geothermal Exploration Assignment. The CoW area spans 19,260 hectares across Dompu and Bima Regency. STM is continuing its journey to achieve its vision of becoming a world-class copper mining operation supported by renewable energy.

    For further information, please contact STM Communications Team.

    STM Opens 2024 Achievement Scholarship Registration for Dompu Students

    Dompu, September 23, 2024: PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM), a copper exploration project operating under the 7th Generation Contract of Work (CoW) in Hu’u Sub-district, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, is once again holding an achievement scholarship program for Dompu Regency students. This year, STM opens the opportunity for 27 students to join 23 other students who have previously participated in the STM achievement scholarship program. The registration process will open on October 2-11, 2024.

    The STM merit scholarship program is intended for students who have academic achievements and prioritizes those who come from underprivileged families. This program aims to ease the cost of tuition fees and increase student motivation to learn in order to create increasingly qualified human resources in Dompu Regency. In last year’s program, STM achievement scholarship recipients came from 18 public and private universities, both located in NTB Province and other regions. 

    Some of the requirements to receive STM achievement scholarships include being registered as a resident of Dompu Regency; not currently receiving or about to receive scholarships from other institutions; registered as a student at a university recognized by the Ministry of Education and Culture; and preferably for students who come from underprivileged families as evidenced by a certificate from the village government. Prospective achievement scholarship recipients are also required to follow other provisions set by the organizers.

    There are several selection stages in this achievement scholarship program which include administrative selection, basic competency test, case study test, and interview. The selected participants will receive tuition assistance, living expenses, and one-time research assistance. In addition, selected students will also receive other benefits in the form of workforce recognition training, English language training, and the development of a network of scholarship recipients and alumni.

    STM’s Community Relations Manager, Ulya Defretes, said that the achievement scholarship program is a form of STM’s commitment to supporting the development of human resources in Dompu Regency. “We support Dompu students in various universities so that they are successful in their studies. We hope they can contribute to the development of Dompu Regency in the future with their various skills,” he said. 

    One of the 2022 STM merit scholarship recipients, Desi Ariyanti, greatly appreciates this community development program in education. “Not only does this program provide important financial support, but it also gives me an amazing opportunity to develop myself academically. Through this scholarship, I can participate in activities that broaden my horizons and skills,” said the student from Rasabou Village, Hu’u Sub-district, who is studying at the University of Mataram. 

    STM will conduct an online socialization to provide a clearer picture of the achievement scholarship program, which will take place on Tuesday (1/10/2024) at 09.00 WITA. Registration for the socialization and other information can be accessed through the link s.id/beasiswaprestasiPTSTM2024. Students who are interested in participating in this achievement scholarship program can also ask further questions through the company’s communication channels at WhatsApp number: (+62) 813-3908-2360, and e-mail: ptstm_comdev@vale.com. 


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    About PT Sumbawa Timur Mining


    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vale, and PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (20%). STM owns the Hu’u Project, a copper exploration project operating under the 7th Generation Mineral Contract of Work (CoW) in Hu’u District, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The CoW also holds geothermal resources. To explore this potential, the company has completed the Preliminary Survey and Geothermal Exploration Assignment. The CoW area spans 19,260 hectares across Dompu and Bima Regency. STM is continuing its journey to achieve its vision of becoming a world-class copper mining operation supported by renewable energy.

    For further information, please contact STM Communications Team.

    Fraud Attempts in the name of Hu’u Project, PT Sumbawa Timur Mining, and Vale Public: urged to beware and verify

    Jakarta, Juni 2024: PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (“STM”) again urges the public to remain vigilant against parties claiming affiliation or having a working relationship (whether directly or indirectly) with STM and its shareholders (in this case, Vale and Antam) regarding copper mining exploration activities currently conducted by STM in Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province (hereinafter referred to as the “Hu’u Project”).

    STM management also emphasizes that STM is the sole legitimate concession holder based

    on the Contract of Work related to the development of the Hu’u Project. The implementation of these activities is supervised by the Indonesian Government and is ensured to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

    Cindy Elza, STM’s Principal Communication explained that recently they have frequently received complaints and requests for confirmation from the public regarding the project. “Complaints are received through the company’s official email and WhatsApp channels about offers for goods/services procurement, conditioned on providing a commitment fee ranging from hundreds of millions to billions of rupiah. These offers come from parties claiming involvement in the Hu’u Project development and using identities similar to (or resembling) STM and Vale”.

    STM reiterates that PT Abdi Karya Usaha Raya (AKUR), PT STM Vale Hu’u – Vale Global Group (PT STM VH VGG), PT Main Cone Vale Global, PT Vale Global Group (PT Vale GG), and PT SVH – VGG are not affiliated with STM and Vale, and are not involved in managing the Hu’u Project (whether directly or indirectly).

    “STM and its shareholders in managing the Hu’u Project uphold the principles of anti-corruption and integrity. Therefore, we never request or stipulate a commitment fee requirement in the goods/services procurement process for any reason. This also applies to the manpower recruitment process,” Cindy emphasized.

    Cindy also inform that STM has provided a hotline for the public who wish to verify or report suspicious information or suspected fraud in the name of STM, Vale, and the Hu’u Project through the email address infoSTM1@vale.com or WhatsApp at 0811.1911.0638.

    In recent years, STM has also actively and routinely disseminated this information to prevent public losses. In conclusion, Cindy added, “To protect STM’s legal interests, the Company will not hesitate to use all available legal means against anyone engaging in such fraudulent activities,”


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    About PT Sumbawa Timur Mining


    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vale, and PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (20%). STM owns the Hu’u Project, a copper exploration project operating under the 7th Generation Mineral Contract of Work (CoW) in Hu’u District, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The CoW also holds geothermal resources. To explore this potential, the company has completed the Preliminary Survey and Geothermal Exploration Assignment. The CoW area spans 19,260 hectares across Dompu and Bima Regency. STM is continuing its journey to achieve its vision of becoming a world-class copper mining operation supported by renewable energy.

    For further information, please contact STM Communications Team.

    Celebrating World Environment Day, Sumbawa Timur Mining Seeks Soil Restoration Through Biopore Holes

    Dompu, 5 June 2024 – In celebration of the World Environment Day, PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM), holder of the Hu’u Project Work Contract (copper mineral exploration project) in Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara is holding a series of environmental activities in the company’s work area, starting with the ‘Sustain Go to School’ program at SMP Negeri (National Middle Schoo) 1 Hu’u, Dompu Regency and the installation of biopore holes in the Hu’u Project exploration area.


    “The ‘Sustain Goes to School’ program aims to educate students about the importance of protecting the environment for future sustainability. In this activity, STM representatives together with the school, including students, will plant dozens of tree seedlings around the school area,” says Razky Akbar, Sustainability & External Affairs Manager of STM, in Dompu, Wednesday (5/6).


    World Environment Day is celebrated every June 5. Led by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the 2024 commemoration has the theme “Accelerating Land Restoration, Addressing Desertification, and Increasing Resilience to Drought.” This theme highlights the importance of immediately restoring degraded land, fighting desertification, and increasing drought resilience. By promoting sustainable land management practices, the initiative aims to revitalize ecosystems, ensure food security, and support the livelihoods of communities that depend on these lands, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more resilient planet. STM also adopts the theme.


    This year’s World Environment Day is commemorated by STM on Saturday, 8 June 2024, at the Hu’u Project site in Nangadoro. A number of STM employees and contractors’ representatives made dozens of biopore holes installations. According to Razky, the biopore installations also function as water absorption holes which help to fertilize the soil, prevent flooding, and balance water levels in the soil. This step is in line with the theme of World Environment Day 2024.


    “Vertical holes with a diameter of around 10 – 25 cm can be used to deposit organic waste and stimulate soil biota to create cavities in the soil, thereby facilitating water infiltration into the soil. This is one of the approaches taken by STM to maintain its commitment to the environment. The company continues to rehabilitate land that has been used for exploration activities,” he explains.


    Razky says further that STM is committed to continuing to do its best for the sustainability of the environment and ecosystem. This is in line with one of the company’s visions, which is to create a sustainable future.


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    About PT Sumbawa Timur Mining


    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vale, and PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (20%). STM owns the Hu’u Project, a copper exploration project operating under the 7th Generation Mineral Contract of Work (CoW) in Hu’u District, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The CoW also holds geothermal resources. To explore this potential, the company has completed the Preliminary Survey and Geothermal Exploration Assignment. The CoW area spans 19,260 hectares across Dompu and Bima Regency. STM is continuing its journey to achieve its vision of becoming a world-class copper mining operation supported by renewable energy.


    For further information, please contact STM Communications Team.