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  • The Journey of Kancira Daha in Preserving Muna Pa’a Weaving Crafts

    Dompu, August 29, 2024— Aging doesn’t make Siti Nursa’s hands lose rhythm. Her fingers are agile in arranging the colored strings on the wooden loom. Her eyes are sharp to ensure that each strand of string is positioned to form a pattern. After a series of complicated and time-consuming traditional weavings, the Muna Pa’a, which has become the pride of the Dompu people, is ready.

    Muna Pa’a is the authentic weaving of Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province. During the sultanate period, the sultans and nobles of Dompu used this cloth to show their regal status. The valuable historical value of this three-dimensional patterned fabric led to its designation as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia in 2023.

    The designation has made the spirit of preserving the Muna Pa’a cultural heritage even more resounding in Dompu Regency. Kancira Daha, a weaving group from the Hu’u sub-district, plays a role. The group of six women continues to develop its capacity to contribute to cultural preservation while improving the local economy.

    Siti Nursa (60) is the leader of the Kancira Daha weaving group. According to her, before the group was formed, the women in her village used to weave cloth for personal use. They made Nggoli weaving, which is typical of the Mbojo tribe, from Bima and Dompu, and also fabrics with simple motifs. Their shared interest made them work in groups. The name Kancira Daha itself comes from the name of the local sub-village and village.

    Nursa explained that this group runs independently with full limitations. To improve the quality of their weaving, they needed adequate facilities or intensive mentoring. However, things improved when PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM), a company conducting copper exploration in Hu’u Sub-district, paid more attention to the Kancira Daha weaving group in 2022.

    STM has provided a lot of support since the mentoring began. The company opened our knowledge about the weaving business, increased promotion, and facilitated market access. We also received mentoring with woven fabric production equipment and display cases to store our products.

    Nursa added that among all these supports, she is most grateful for the company’s willingness to teach the Kancira Daha weaving group to make Muna Pa’a cloth. Nursa and her partners are familiar with Muna Pa’a and know that this type of weaving is one of Dompu’s cultural heritages, but they need to be used to making it. Nursa said that the technique and pattern of making Muna Pa’a are different from the woven fabrics she usually makes.

    Nursa (left) and Kancira Daha weaving group member, Samsiah, show one  of their weavings.

    “So far, we have only heard and seen about Muna Pa’a weaving. It is said that this weaving has existed since the sultanate era. We just learned to make Muna Pa’a with the STM mentoring program. This is different from the weaving we usually make because there are more creations and we have to be more careful,” said Nursa.

    While it took some adapting, slowly but surely, the Kancira Daha weaving group was able to produce its own Muna Pa’a cloth. The time required for a weaver to make a one-meter Muna Pa’a cloth is 14 days at most. This takes twice as long as ordinary woven fabrics. However, the group members claim to enjoy every process.

    From an economic perspective, the Muna Pa’a weaving craft can provide additional income for Kancira Daha members, some of whom work as vegetable farmers. The price of a one-meter Muna Pa’a cloth is around Rp600,000. “The mentoring by STM has improved our ability to make traditional fabrics and helped us to realize economic independence,” said Nursa.

    Since being mentored by STM, Kancira Daha and its products have become more widely known. The group was facilitated to connect with the Cooperatives and SMEs Office and the Industry and Trade Office of Dompu Regency for better business development. In addition, Kancira Daha also participated in local business exhibitions, such as the Dompu Expo with STM, in June 2024 and is likely to be involved in other larger exhibitions.

    “Alhamdulillah, our products are increasingly recognized. We have made 22 Muna Pa’a orders for government offices, including those used by the Regent of Dompu Regency and his wife. We also collaborate with tourism entrepreneurs at Lakey Hu’u Beach to make souvenirs. Also, various orders are coming from STM for domestic and foreign purposes,” Nursa explained.

    Nursa and the Kancira Daha weaving group members greatly appreciate the community empowerment program initiated by STM in the economic field. The program contributes to preserving traditional fabrics in Dompu Regency, especially the Muna Pa’a weaving. The program also allows the women of Daha Village to strengthen the family economy.

    “The support from STM means a lot to us, and hopefully, more parties will care about the development of MSMEs. We hope that this traditional weaving tradition is not only carried out by older people like me but also by the younger generation. This woven fabric must continue to exist and become the hallmark of Dompu Regency,” she said.

    Community empowerment is an integral part of the development of PT Sumbawa Timur Mining’s project. Learn more about our other programs here.

    Dedy Julkarnain, A Local Talent Ready to Compete Globally

    Dompu, August 8, 2024— Working in a multicultural mining company, with diverse people and challenges, does not discourage Dedy Julkarnain. Born in Marada Village, Hu’u Subdistrict 31 years ago, Dedy is always confident and continues to develop his potential. Currently, he dedicates his best efforts to PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) with the Emergency Response Team (ERT) and the Health, Safety & Risk (HSR) Department.

    Dedy Julkarnain is a familiar name among STM employees, especially in the Hu’u Site working area. This smiling man has a good relationship with his colleagues, both in terms of work and daily life. As a friendly and helpful person, Dedy embraces his role at ERT wholeheartedly. For him, keeping others safe is more than just a job: it’s a calling because life comes first for everyone.

    Dedy, who was met on the sidelines of his activities, expressed his gratitude for being able to join the Hu’u Project run by STM. He is very pleased to be able to participate in optimizing the potential of natural resources in his area, not only for the benefit of a few people but for the better development of the Dompu Regency. He also appreciates STM’s management for paying attention to local talents like him to grow and develop together.

    With a Bachelor’s degree in Social Science from Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram, he joined STM for the New Staging construction project in late 2018. He briefly joined STM’s geothermal project as an administrative assistant and foreman. In early 2023, Dedy solidified his career with the ERT HSR department. Dedy’s affinity for new challenges makes it easy for him to adapt to new work environments and fields.

    He said that the management of STM continues to encourage him as a local citizen to improve his self-capacity with various trainings in accordance with the development of the project.

    This is very extraordinary since I joined STM. The leadership and management continue to support us as local citizens to improve our technical and non-technical knowledge, and it is all covered by the company.


    As an ERT member, Dedy is responsible for ensuring that visiting guests and newly joined STM business partner contractors are given safety awareness, as well as victim evacuation measures. This requires him to continuously improve his self-capacity through certified training and independent practice.

    Some of the training and certificates of expertise that Dedy has successfully gained include Confined Space Rescue, Authorized Gas Tester (AGT), Labor at Heights Level 1-2, SAR, Vertical Rescue/Rugged Terrain Rescue, Forest and Land Fire Management, Class D-B Fire Officer, First Aid Level 3, Multiple Casual Incident Plan (MCIP), Road Accident Rescue (RAR), H2S Gas Hazard Safety Handling, and First Operational Supervisor.

    Dedy believes that the Hu’u Project will grow rapidly. More and more people will come, locally, nationally, and even internationally, to work together to advance the project. As a local talent, he is optimistic that he can continue to give his best and does not feel threatened by these developments. Moreover, the company always encourages its employees to go one step further every day through various programs provided.

    As an ERT team member, he also advised all his coworkers to continue to work together to maintain this project as best as possible, starting with maintaining their own safety. In the next few years, the exploration stage will move towards the construction and production stages, presenting more diverse challenges. All parties involved in this project must prepare themselves to achieve the company’s goal of becoming a world-class mine powered by renewable energy.

    “This industry has a high work risk. Therefore, we must prepare ourselves by maintaining health, exercising diligently, being aware of the surrounding work area, and not getting tired of continuing to expand our horizons through activities that meet the needs of each specific profession and expertise,” said the man who also enjoys music and rock climbing.

    Step into the world of PT Sumbawa Timur Mining, where we value talents like Dedy. Be part of our story. Discover our job opportunities here.

    PT STM Disseminates 2023 Work Performance and 2024 Work Plan in Hu’u Project

    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM), the holder of the Contract of Work for the Hu’u Project (copper mineral exploration project) in Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, conducted a series of socialization of mineral performance achievements in 2023 and mineral work plans in 2024 to the Central, Provincial and Regency Governments. The socialization activities began in Mataram, the capital of NTB province on 30 April 2024, continued on 7 May 2024 at the Dompu Regent Hall and closed with a meeting with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources in Jakarta on 13 May 2024. All were attended by regional leaders, relevant agencies and institutions.   

    “This is our initiative, as a form of information transparency to the government. We hope that STM’s investment and exploration efforts at the Hu’u Project receive full support and can run smoothly,” said Yan Fuadi, STM’s Head of Mining Engineering, on Tuesday (5/7).

    2024 Work Plan 

    Regarding STM’s 2024 work plan, Yan explained that STM will drill approximately 30 drill holes for the purposes of Area Sterilization, Mine Hydrology, Mine Geotech, Resource and Brown Field Exploration. To support exploration drilling activities this year, STM will utilize 5 units of drilling Rigs, including the use of Horizontal Drilling Rig to support Geotechnical studies.

    “This year we will continue the geotechnical & hydrological study to increase the amount of data and sharpen the technical analysis as a continuation program that has been started last year, including the horizontal drilling method that will be carried out to support this geotechnical study,” he said.

    The Onto deposits, as these mineral deposits are known, offer technical challenges including geological complexity and deposits located 400-600 meters below the earth’s surface. The depth of the Onto deposits makes underground Block Cave mining the only viable mining method for future production operations. The Onto deposits also intersect with geothermal systems, with temperatures ranging from 80 to 110 degrees Celsius, forcing STM to apply appropriate and sophisticated technology to reduce the temperatures and make it feasible for humans to work underground in the future.

    In addition to focusing on Geotechnical and Hydrogeological studies, Yan said STM will also carry out other important activities this year, such as increasing the confidence in Onto’s mineral resources and completing the Brown field and regional exploration program to look for other prospects besides the Onto deposits. There are also other planned exploration support activities to be carried out this year, including drill site preparation and rehabilitation, helicopter activities, supporting infrastructure development, and maintenance of exploration access roads.

    2023 Work Performance 

    Throughout 2023, PT Sumbawa Timur Mining has conducted engineering (technical) studies in the Pre-Feasibility Study stage. The activities carried out include completing the exploration drilling interval to increase resource confidence, conducting geological, geohydrological (Pumping test hole), geochemical and geotechnical studies by operating 7 rigs in the exploration area.

    On the same occasion, STM also conveyed the progress of the preliminary survey and geothermal exploration assignment, with the results showing the potential for electricity generation reaching 60 MW. Yan said, “If it is realized, STM will be the only copper mining company powered by its own geothermal power source. With the support of electricity from renewable energy, it will certainly contribute to efforts to reduce carbon emissions in Indonesia.” STM is currently participating in the limited tender process for WKP Hu’u Daha to obtain a Geothermal License from the Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy (EBTKE).

    STM also conducts regular and more coordinated environmental management and monitoring, and implements Community Development programs.

    Community Relations Manager, Ulya Defretes said that STM also ensures the sustainability of environmental protection activities, mining safety, human resource development, and community development and empowerment. The company will continue its Impactful Community Development activities with three program focuses, namely strategic partnerships, village participation program, as well as donations and sponsorships.

    “Some of STM’s flagship empowerment programs in 2023 are cataract surgery and eye examinations with beneficiaries reaching 3,211 patients. There are also 100 scholarships for D1 Heavy Equipment Engineering students, 40 Prestasi Scholarships for Dompu Regency students of various majors, and completion of the basic literacy program for 148 learning citizens,” he said.

    Regarding donations and sponsorships, Ulya explained that it is done by considering proposals from residents and the benefits of the program. The community development and empowerment program covers health, education, economic empowerment, institutional, infrastructure, environmental, social and cultural sectors.

    “We want to continue to promote the involvement of all stakeholders in our activities and make a positive contribution to regional development in West Nusa Tenggara. We hope that the ongoing cooperation with the local government and the people of West Nusa Tenggara can be even closer to achieve sustainable development,” he ended.

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    About PT Sumbawa Timur Mining – PT STM

    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%) – a subsidiary 100% owned by Vale Holding B.V., and PT Antam Tbk (20%). STM is the owner of the 7th generation Hu’u Project Work Contract (KK) and has completed the Preliminary Survey and Geothermal Exploration Assignment in Hu’u District, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The Contract of Work area covers 19,260 hectares in Dompu Regency and Bima Regency. Currently, STM is carrying out mineral exploration activities to realize its vision of becoming a world-class copper mining operation powered by renewable energy.

     For further information, please contact Sumbawa Timur Mining Team

    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining and DLHK NTB Sign MoU for Forest Protection

    Mataram, 21 February 2024 – PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) and the West Nusa Tenggara Environmental and Forestry Agency (DLHK NTB) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today. The purpose of this MoU is to support and accompany STM in implementing a forest protection program within the Forest Area Utilization Agreement (PPKH) for the period 2024-2025. Currently, STM is conducting mineral exploration in the Dompu Regency, known as the Hu’u Project.

    The MoU aims to support STM in fulfilling its responsibilities as the holder of PPKH (Forest Area Utilization Permit) based on Minister of Environment and Forestry Decree Number: SK.708/MENLHK/SETJEN/PLA.0/6/2023.

    Sustainability & External Affairs Manager of STM, Razky Akbar, stated, “We extend our gratitude to DLHK NTB for their support and guidance in this matter. Furthermore, we are committed to diligently implementing this forest protection program, and this MoU signifies the synergy between PT STM and DLHK of the NTB Province in preserving the forest, particularly within STM’s operational area and the NTB Province in general.”

    The forestry program covered by the MoU includes forest patrols and surveillance in the STM PPKH area, forestry regulation awareness campaigns, wildfire prevention, the NTB Green program, installation of forestry information boards, as well as assistance and supervision of STM’s forestry programs.

    The MoU signing was attended by representatives from DLHK NTB, the Department of Sustainability, and Government Relations at PT STM. The event concluded with the endorsement of the MoU between the Morowali and Toffo Pajo Soromandi (Topaso) Forest Area Strengthening Agency (BPKH).

    Forest Management in the STM PPKH Area

    STM has been the holder of PPKH since 2010. PPKH is essential as it grants permission to enter forest areas for mineral exploration activities. The goal is to strike a balance between forest conservation and development. “Striving for a balance between forest conservation and operational mineral mining development is one of our primary goals. As a result, we have implemented a series of sustainable forestry management practices with a comprehensive approach since acquiring the Forest Area Utilization Agreement (PPKH),” explained Razky. This forestry management encompasses land opening planning, tree management system implementation, forest seedling care, post-land opening rehabilitation, and reclamation activities.

    Over the past 5 years, the post-land opening rehabilitation and reclamation efforts have successfully planted over 13,500 trees. The planning for these activities begins with technical design documents prepared by STM’s forestry team. These plans serve as a guide to ensure rehabilitation objectives are met.

    In addition to the forestry management practices, STM conducts routine assessments to mitigate the risk of fallen trees among mature plants within work areas or near supporting facilities. The physical strength of trees is influenced by factors such as age, damage caused by pests and genetics, and weaknesses in internal stem structures. This means that trees may not be as robust as they appear. STM utilizes a resistograph to provide comprehensive information about tree conditions. This tool can detect internal damage without the need to fell or harm the tree. This information enables STM’s forestry team to evaluate and monitor the condition of trees around the camp and operational facilities.

    “May today’s signing of the MoU further enhance STM’s efforts and achievements in managing its PPKH area in tandem with the growth of the Hu’u Project,” concluded Razky.


    About PT Sumbawa Timur Mining – PT STM

    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%), a 100%-owned subsidiary of Vale SA, and PT Antam Tbk (20%). Established in 1998, STM became the owner of the Hu’u Project 7th generation Contract of Work (CoW) and Geothermal Preliminary & Exploration Survey Assignment in Hu’u District, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The CoW area covers 19,260 hectares in Dompu Regency and Bima Regency. Currently, PT STM is conducting mineral exploration activities to realize its vision in becoming a world class copper mining operation supported by renewable energy.

    For further information, please contact Sumbawa Timur Mining Team

    STM Holds Closing Ceremony for National K3 Month 2024: Also Marked STM’s Achievement of 6 Million Work Hours LTI Free

    Dompu, 21 Februari 2024 – PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM), the owner of the 7th generation Contract of Work (CoW) for the Hu’u Project in Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, officially closed the series of activities for the National Occupational Safety and Health Month (K3) 2024 through a ceremony held on Wednesday (21/02) at the STM new staging area in Hu’u District. 

    The Closing Ceremony of the K3 Month was attended by representatives of the NTB Provincial Manpower and Transmigration Office (Disnakertrans), Head of the Dompu Regency Disnakertrans Miftahul Su’adah, STM Chief of Mine Operations, employees, and representatives of all contractors involved in the Hu’u Project. The event continued with the announcement of the winners of the competitions held during the K3 Month and a workshop on occupational safety delivered by the NTB Provincial Disnakertrans.

    From January 12 to February 12, 2024, STM held a series of National K3 Month 2024 activities in the Hu’u Project area. Activities included K3-themed competitions involving STM employees and contractors, education for the community on fire management in the home, and education for school students on safe driving and the dangers of drug abuse. In addition, STM also held a blood donation program for employees and contractors and managed to collect 86 blood bags.

    In the closing moment of the K3 Month, the Chief of Mine Operations STM, Yan Fuadi also conveyed several K3 culture implementations in the Hu’u Project that have been carried out by the company so far. The program covers all lines from frontliners to management through K3 training for local and national employees, as well as K3 socialization to the community around the mining area. One of the programs implemented is Stop Work Authorization, a right that every employee must stop work that is seen as unsafe and management guarantees that there will be no consequences from the termination.

    “With the implementation of the K3 culture, it is hoped that every employee involved can continue to work safely, return home safely, and all Hu’u Project activities can run smoothly according to the target, in line with this year’s theme of Cultivating K3, Healthy and Safe Work, Maintaining Business Continuity,” said Yan Fuadi.

    STM Achieves 6 Million Hours of Work Without a Serious Accident

    The closing ceremony of this K3 Month also marks and celebrates STM’s commitment to prioritizing occupational safety, as evidenced by the achievement of 6 million hours of work without LTI (Lost Time Injury) since 2022.

    Yan Fuadi stated that this achievement is a valuable thing for the company considering that exploration activities in the mining industry are a high-risk work environment.

    “Our top priority during the exploration phase of mining operations is safety. We attach great importance to compliance with strict safety protocols to ensure a safe working environment for all workers involved in the Hu’u Project employees. We are united in maintaining the highest standards, reducing the risk of potential work accidents, and creating a healthy and safe workplace,” he said.


    About PT Sumbawa Timur Mining – PT STM

    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%), a 100%-owned subsidiary of Vale SA, and PT Antam Tbk (20%). Established in 1998, STM became the owner of the Hu’u Project 7th generation Contract of Work (CoW) and Geothermal Preliminary & Exploration Survey Assignment in Hu’u District, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The CoW area covers 19,260 hectares in Dompu Regency and Bima Regency. Currently, PT STM is conducting mineral exploration activities to realize its vision in becoming a world class copper mining operation supported by renewable energy.

    For further information, please contact Sumbawa Timur Mining Team

    STM Provides Free Eye Health Services for Dompu Community

    Dompu, 18 December 2023 – PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM), owner of the 7th generation Contract of Work for the Hu’u Project, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara in collaboration with the John Fawcett Foundation (JFF), an organization that covers the field of vision restoration and prevention blindness, and the Dompu District Health Service provides free eye health services for people in Dompu District. This service is a manifestation of the company’s concern for the welfare and health of the community around the STM operational area, especially around Hu’u District and the capital of Dompu Regency.

    “With this free cataract treatment, we hope that residents who experience eye health problems, especially cataracts, can live their daily lives better and more productively,” said STM Community Relations Manager, Ulya Defretes, in Dompu, Monday (18/ 12).

    This free eye health service takes place in two locations, namely Sawe Village Field, Hu’u District (18 – 19 December 2023) and Beringin Field, Dompu Regional Government Office (21 – 22 December 2023). Services provided include cataract surgery, eye examinations, administering eye drops and providing glasses based on examination results. This activity is designed to help people in need, especially in terms of preventing and treating cataracts.

    JFF was once again trusted to be the implementing partner by bringing in two Mobile Eye Clinic cars directly from Bali for cataract surgery. A total of 23 medical personnel were also prepared to provide services during the activity.

    Ulya explained, over the four days, it is estimated that more than 2000 residents will receive eye examinations and it is targeted that 200 people will undergo cataract surgery in this program. Apart from the general public, this activity is also aimed at students at 4 schools in Dompu Regency. The series of activities carried out range from free eye examinations to eye health education.

    “We are committed to contributing to the health and welfare of the community, especially in the STM work area. “This activity makes it easier for people to access quality eye health services,” said Ulya.


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    About PT Sumbawa Timur Mining – PT STM

    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%), a 100%-owned subsidiary of Vale SA, and PT Antam Tbk (20%). Established in 1998, STM became the owner of the Hu’u Project 7th generation Contract of Work (CoW) and Geothermal Preliminary & Exploration Survey Assignment in Hu’u District, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The CoW area covers 19,260 hectares in Dompu Regency and Bima Regency. Currently, PT STM is conducting mineral exploration activities to realize its vision in becoming a world class copper mining operation supported by renewable energy.

    For further information, please contact Sumbawa Timur Mining Team

    STM Plants More than 13,500 Trees in the Last 5 Years 

     A Form of Responsibility for Open Areas 

    Dompu, 29 November 2023: PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM), the owner of Hu’u Project Contract of Work in Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia commemorates the National Tree Planting Day in Indonesia. The highlight of this commemoration was held on Sunday, November 26, 2023 in the Hu’u Project area, Nangadoro Village, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. The event involved STM employees and contractors, who managed to plant 300 trees. 

    Apart from the tree planting agenda in the Project area, STM also collaborated with the Dompu Regency Environmental Office (DLH) to celebrate the Tree Planting Day together with the community on November 27, 2023. In this activity, 100 tree seedlings were successfully planted along Jalan Raya Pajo. Quoted from the website of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), the determination of Indonesian Tree Planting Day refers to Presidential Decree Number 24 of 2008. The decree signed by Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) decided November 28 as Indonesian Tree Planting Day.

    STM regularly commemorates Tree Planting Day since 2019, supported by a nursery facility with a capacity of 12,500 seedlings in Wadbura and Nangadoro areas. The nursery facility also supports forest management efforts in exploration area, as explained by Razky Akbar, External Relations & Sustainability Manager of STM. “In the process of developing sustainable mineral mines, proper forestry management is required to minimize the impact on forest areas. Since 2017 to 2023, STM has planted totally 13,525 tree seedlings, covering an area of ​​68,1356 hectares spread across 97 locations in the Hu’u Project exploration area. All of the planting aim to revegetate and rehabilitate forests or open land used by exploration drilling that is no longer in use. The trees are also to replace trees in other areas that may be affected,” said Razky.

    In general, planting trees is useful for anticipating global climate change, preventing a decrease in environmental carrying capacity, overcoming deforestation, and preventing other environmental damage which results in a decrease in natural productivity and environmental sustainability.

    All the participants joining the national Tree Planting Day held by STM seemed enthusiastic. Razky hopes that the involvement of all employees and contractors will inspire good habits. “We hope that the consistent steps we take will provide a good legacy for future generations, as well as fostering an awareness of love for the environment inside all of us,” he said.  

    STM Forestry Management

    Razky said further that efforts to minimize impacts on forest areas during the construction of mining operations are not only carried out by planting trees, but by adopting sustainable forestry management practices through a comprehensive approach implementation. Forestry management includes land clearing planning, implementing tree management system, caring for forest plant seeds, post-land clearing rehabilitation, and reclamation activities.

    STM always strives to return open areas and areas that are no longer used for exploration to their original condition by routinely carrying out rehabilitation, reclamation and revegetation activities as part of this commitment. Planning for these activities begins with a technical design document, prepared by the STM forestry team. This plan then serves as a guide to ensure that rehabilitation goals are well-achieved.

    STM collaborates with the Toffo Pajo Soromandi Forest Management Unit (KPH TOPASO) in protecting the forest area of ​​the STM PPKH area. This form of cooperation is stated in the MoU which contains forestry management activities, such as patrolling and guarding mineral and Ex-geothermal PPKH forestry gates, assisting in preventing forest fires, developing forest honey cultivation, and succeeding the Green NTB program. Apart from guarding the PPKH STM area, STM also supports guarding the forest area around the RTK 65 area. KPH TOPASO also helps in providing outreach and assistance to the community regarding the management and guarding of forest areas.

    In addition to the above activities of forestry management, STM also carries out routine assessments as a form of mitigating the risk of trees falling on mature plants in work areas or around supporting facilities. A tree’s physical strength is influenced by several factors including age, damage caused by pests and genetics, and weak internal trunk structure. This means that the tree may not be as strong as it seems. STM uses a resistograph to provide comprehensive information about the condition of the tree. This tool can show whether there is internal damage without having to cut or damage the tree. This information allows the STM forestry team to evaluate and monitor the condition of trees around camps and operational facilities.

    All forestry management efforts undertaken by STM are solely to ensure that forest preservation can be taken up side by side with the development of mining operations. 

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    About PT Sumbawa Timur Mining – PT STM

    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%), a 100%-owned subsidiary of Vale SA, and PT Antam Tbk (20%). Established in 1998, STM became the owner of the Hu’u Project 7th generation Contract of Work (CoW) and Geothermal Preliminary & Exploration Survey Assignment in Hu’u District, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The CoW area covers 19,260 hectares in Dompu Regency and Bima Regency. Currently, PT STM is conducting mineral exploration activities to realize its vision in becoming a world-class copper mine powered by renewable energy.

    For further information, please contact Sumbawa Timur Mining Team

    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining Awarded Scholarship to 40 Outstanding Students from Dompu Regency

    Dompu, 1 November 2023:  PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM), the owner of Hu’u Project 7th generation Contract of Work (CoW) in Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province handed over Beasiswa Prestasi to 40 outstanding students from Dompu. The scholarship awarding confirms the company’s commitment to supporting education and human resources development, particularly in Dompu. 

    “We hope this scholarship will encourage the beneficiaries to make higher achievements, as well as inspire other students to strive for their best achievements,” said Community Relations Manager of PT STM, Ulya Defretes during the awarding ceremony of Beasiswa Prestasi at Dompu Regent’s Office, Wednesday (11/1).

    The awarding ceremony of PT STM’s Beasiswa Prestasi was symbolically opened by the Regent of Dompu, H. Kader Jaelani. Head of Dompu local Education Office and families of the scholarship beneficiaries also attended the ceremony. Parents of the scholarship beneficiaries were deliberately invited to attend the awarding in order to strengthen the relationship between PT STM and the parents, as well as to show pride and gratitude for the achievements of the scholarship recipients. 

    The scholarship beneficiaries come from various study programs, which are divided into two main categories, namely the engineering and non-engineering programs. The engineering programs include mining engineering, civil engineering, environmental engineering, logistic engineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, geodetic engineering, informatics engineering, and medical laboratory engineering. Meanwhile, the non-engineering programs include international relations, accounting, agro-eco technology, nutritional science, mathematics, management, public health, soil science, nursing, and environmental science. 

    They are studying at 18 state and private universities located in West Nusa Tenggara Province and outside the province, such as Mataram University, Indonesian Islamic University, Brawijaya University, Bogor Agriculture Institute, Diponegoro University, Indonesian Education University, Muhammadiyah University of Malang, Muhammadiyah University of Mataram, and some other universities.

    Before receiving the scholarship, the students previously had gone through a strict selection process starting on July 24 until September 29, 2023. The selection process involved 97 students who had to undergo stages of administrative selection, basic ability test and case study, interview test, and final selection that selected 40 outstanding students. 

    Ulya explained that the number of this year’s Beasiswa Prestasi beneficiaries had increased more than two times.  Last year, the scholarship beneficiaries were 19 students. This year, it increased to 40 students. The higher number of Beasiswa Prestasi program beneficiaries is also based on the input from the local government of Dompu Regency. 

    “STM apprehends the input and tries to realize the aspiration. We are grateful for the support of Dompu Regent and his staff, and also other parties that have paid attention to this program. I believe that the support from all parties will encourage the best 40 students to face a brighter future,” he said.

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    About PT Sumbawa Timur Mining – PT STM

    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%), a 100%-owned subsidiary of Vale SA, and PT Antam Tbk (20%). Established in 1998, STM became the owner of the Hu’u Project 7th generation Contract of Work (CoW) and Geothermal Preliminary & Exploration Survey Assignment in Hu’u District, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The CoW area covers 19,260 hectares in Dompu Regency and Bima Regency. Currently, PT STM is conducting mineral exploration activities to realize its vision in becoming a world-class copper mine powered by renewable energy.

    For further information, please contact Sumbawa Timur Mining Team

    PT STM Holds Career Development Seminar for Dompu Students in 3 Cities

    Lombok, September 16th 2023 – PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM), owner of the Hu’u Project 7th generation Contract of Work (CoW) in Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara is holding a series of seminars and mini workshops in the cities of Mataram, Makassar and Yogyakarta. This event is targeting students from Dompu Regency who are pursuing higher education in the cities. The aim of this activity is to provide students with broader insight about various opportunities and career choices after they graduate from college.

    “This activity is facilitated by the Persolkelly Human Resources (HR) development agency. The facilitators help develop students’ soft skills as preparations for entering the business world or the world of work,” said PT STM Principal Communication, Cindy Elza, on Saturday (9/16).

    In addition to providing career insight, the company will also use this event to disseminate information regarding the Hu’u Project. This will provide students with a deeper understanding of various aspects of the Hu’u Project, which is still in the exploration phase.

    This activity was first held in Mataram City on Saturday, September 16 2023. Similar activities will be held in Makassar City on October 5 2023, and Yogyakarta in November 2023. 

    In Mataram, the seminar and mini workshop ‘Yang Muda Yang Siap Kerja’ (Young People Ready to Work) takes place at the Aston Inn Hotel , where 50 students from Dompu take part in this activity.

    Cindy explained that this socialization was a form of disclosure of company information.

    “We want students to get the right information regarding the Hu’u Project. The information provided includes a general overview of exploration and various aspects and their impact on society, including aspects of employment, environmental management, business opportunities and community development,” he said.

    According to her, these students will soon enter the competitive labor market. There are also those who want to return to their hometown and are very interested in joining STM.

    “However, as an educated group, students need to understand that the ratio between the availability of job opportunities and the number of job seekers is not always balanced. We hope that after returning from this activity, students will have increased insight into the various career options they can choose after graduating from college, as well as how to achieve them. “In this way, they will be better prepared to compete and develop their abilities in whatever industry they are interested in,” she said.

    The expert from Persolkelly, Christina Nangoi, added that this provision begins by helping participants understand their goals and career choices that can be taken based on their respective interests and abilities. Then proceed with helping participants understand the three main skills that workers need to have, namely in terms of character, functional and technical. 

    “We guide participants to create self-marketing tools in the form of concise and attractive personal resumes. Apart from that, facilitators also share tips and tricks related to the use of digital technology in accessing various information about job opportunities and conducting interviews,” she said.

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    About PT Sumbawa Timur Mining – PT STM

    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%), a 100%-owned subsidiary of Vale SA, and PT Antam Tbk (20%). Established in 1998, STM became the owner of the Hu’u Project 7th generation Contract of Work (CoW) and Geothermal Preliminary & Exploration Survey Assignment in Hu’u District, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The CoW area covers 19,260 hectares in Dompu Regency and Bima Regency. Currently, PT STM is conducting mineral exploration activities to realize its vision in becoming a world-class copper mine powered by renewable energy.

    For further information, please contact Sumbawa Timur Mining Team


    STM Provides Full Scholarships for 100 Dompu Students

    STM strives to improve the quality of mining industry education in Dompu Regency with Diploma 1 heavy duty scholarships at Akademi Komunitas Olat Maras (AKOM)

    Sumbawa, 14 August 2023: PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM), a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd and PT Antam Tbk, together with the Provincial Government of Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) announced today a pilot project to launch a new scholarship program, aimed at fostering talent and providing educational opportunities in the field of heavy mining equipment operation.

    With a commitment to sustainable development and community empowerment, PT STM recognizes the importance of investing in education and developing skilled professionals who can contribute to the advancement of the mining industry. Through this scholarship program, the company aims to identify and support aspiring individuals who have a passion for heavy equipment engineering and a desire to contribute to the growth of the mining sector.

    Bede Evans, President Director of PT STM said that the scholarship program is one of the activities the company is undertaking to help develop the quality of human resources, especially in the field of education, in the Dompu region. 

    “We believe that fostering local talent is crucial to the long-term success and sustainability of the mining sector. Through this scholarship program, we aim to promote diversity and inclusion within the industry, empowering individuals from various backgrounds to pursue a career in heavy equipment engineering and contribute to the advancement of the mining sector. This scholarship program will fund the education of 100 Dompu students as they undergo studies in heavy equipment engineering. When they complete their studies, they will be equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to work in the mining industry or any other related industries,” said Mr Evans.

    The scholarship program will provide financial assistance and educational opportunities to deserving students wishing to pursue a degree in heavy equipment engineering. The program is open to students from Dompu and its surrounding areas. Candidates for the scholarship are selected based on exceptional academic performance, a strong work ethic, and a genuine interest in the mining industry. 

    Candidates will be selected by Badan Riset dan Inovasi Daerah NTB (BRIDA) and Akademi Komunitas Olat Maras (AKOM), a vocational school that offers a diploma program (D1) in Heavy Equipment Engineering. For prospective participants who are interested, they can look for further information from BRIDA and AKOM.

    In addition to financial support, the scholarship program will also open up opportunities for participants to have a career in various companies that require experts in the field of heavy equipment, whether in STM or other companies. These initiatives will enable the recipients to gain practical experience, enhance their technical skills, and forge valuable connections within the mining industry.

    “PT STM’s commitment is to benefit the human resources in the Dompu region so that the local community can be part of the development of the Hu’u Project,” Mr Evans continued.

    This scholarship program is one of PT STM’s commitments to enhance education in NTB. Previously, the company has provided scholarships to students in Hu’u district, mentoring programs for teachers, and eco-friendly farming education for school children. In addition to the special scholarship for heavy equipment, PT STM also provided 40 scholarship beneficiaries this year. Achievement scholarships are awarded to outstanding students with high GPA scores from Dompu Regency. These scholarship recipients are studying at public and private universities and are prioritized for those studying majors related to mining and its supporters.

    In recognition of its education-focused programs, the Corporate Forum for CSR Development (CFCD) and the Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning gave two awards to PT STM in the Sustainable Development Goals Award (ISDA) 2022 event. The two awards were the Gold Award for Illiteracy Program and the Gold Award for Education Quality Improvement Program.

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    About PT Sumbawa Timur Mining – PT STM 

    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%), a 100%-owned subsidiary of Vale SA, and PT Antam Tbk (20%). Established in 1998, STM became the owner of the Hu’u Project 7th generation Contract of Work (CoW) and Geothermal Preliminary & Exploration Survey Assignment in Hu’u District, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The CoW area covers 19,260 hectares in Dompu Regency and Bima Regency. Currently, PT STM is conducting mineral exploration activities to realize its vision in becoming a world-class copper mining operation supported by renewable energy.

    For further information, please contact Sumbawa Timur Mining Team