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  • PT Sumbawa Timur Mining Waste Bank Empowers Communities

    05 / 06 / 2023 Press Release

    Sumbawa Timur Mining

    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining Waste Bank Empowers Communities

    PT STM commemorates World Environment Day with the spirit of reducing plastic pollution through the community empowerment program ‘Waste Bank’

    Sumbawa, 5 June 2023: PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM), the owner of Hu’u Project Contract of Work  in Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia also celebrated the World Environment Day on June 4th 2023 with the theme of reducing plastic pollution. PT STM invites all stakeholders to reduce the use of single-use plastic and recycle it.

    In line with the theme of World Environment Day celebrations celebrated by PT STM, one concrete manifestation of the spirit of reducing plastic pollution is through the ‘Waste Bank’ community empowerment program. The waste banks fostered by STM include 8 waste banks units in Hu’u District and 1 main waste bank in Hu’u Village.

    “People collect plastic and receive rewards for every kilogram of plastic collected. From January 2022 to April 2023, the main waste bank has succeeded in collecting more than 23.8 tons of plastic waste with an economic value of IDR 43,446,350. This activity reduces the amount of plastic waste that is usually thrown onto Cempi Beach. “So the benefits can be twofold, namely we can support a cleaner environment and residents can gain financial benefits,” said PT STM President Director Bede Evans.

    PT STM’s World Environment Day celebrations were also centered in the Nangadoro area by carrying out plogging activities (picking up litter while walking) around the New Staging area, Jl. Lintas Lakey, Hu’u District, Dompu Regency, NTB. This activity is a reminder of the spirit of caring for the environment for STM. 

    Plogging Activities Around The Hu’u Project Area

    This plogging activity began in Finish Hamlet, Hu’u Village, Hu’u District, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province on Friday (2/6/2023) morning. This clean-up movement was attended by the Head of Mining Operation (Kepala Tehnik Tambang / KTT) STM, Hendra Sebayang, contractors of STM, and other STM staff. 

    Hendra Sebayang said that the movement to clean up the environment from plastic waste is a form of the company’s commitment to protecting the environment. Moreover, the company is committed to carrying out sustainable mining, so environmental management is a priority in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem around the exploration area. “Moreover, this area is our daily route,” he said. Hendra also hopes that this plastic beat movement will not only be a ceremonial activity carried out at certain times. But will remain sustainable, thereby giving rise to collective awareness.

    Meanwhile the villagers and the head of the villages were also involved in this plogging activity. The Head of Hu’u Village, Mujahidin expressed his appreciation to STM who always pays attention to Hu’u Village, including the environmental cleanup program. He hopes that this clean-up movement will raise collective awareness to protect the environment, “PT STM always provides attention and support for the progress and empowerment of the Hu’u community. This support must be utilized properly for mutual progress,” he said.

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    About PT Sumbawa Timur Mining – PT STM

    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%), a subsidiary of Vale SA, and PT Antam Tbk (20%). Established in 1998, STM is the manager of the Hu’u Project through the 7th generation Contract of Work (KK) in Hu’u District, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The area of KK is 19,260 hectares, covering Dompu Regency and Bima Regency. Currently, PT STM is carrying out mineral exploration activities to create a world-class copper mine supported by geothermal renewable energy.

    For further information, please contact Sumbawa Timur Mining Team

    Sumbawa Timur Mining
    Sumbawa Timur Mining