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  • 100 PT STM Scholarship Recipients of D1 (Associate Degree) Heavy Equipment Engineering Successfully Graduated

    28 / 09 / 2024 Press Release

    Sumbawa Timur Mining

    Sumbawa, September 28, 2024: A total of 100 recipients of the D1 (Associate Degree) Heavy Equipment Engineering scholarship funded by PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) at the Olat Maras Community Academy (AKOM), Sumbawa Regency, successfully graduated. All scholarship recipients are high school graduates from Dompu Regency. This scholarship program aims to support the development of education in Dompu Regency and prepare reliable and work-ready human resources.  

    Before receiving this scholarship, the participants underwent a selection process with the West Nusa Tenggara Regional Research and Innovation Agency (BRIDA) and AKOM. Scholarship candidates are selected based on academic achievement, strong work ethic, and sincere interest in the field to be studied. The selected participants are then entitled to one year of free heavy equipment engineering education. 

    During the scholarship program, participants receive 70% practical learning and 30% theory. This portion is expected to make the academy graduates more prepared for the world of work and skilled in their work. They also get insight development sessions outside the academy curriculum, such as public lectures delivered by STM. 

    STM’s Community Relations Manager, Ulya Defretes, said that the company is committed to supporting community development, including in the field of education.  “Today, we have new young human resources who are ready to work. We hope they can participate in advancing the region, especially Dompu Regency, through their abilities,” she hoped for the graduates of STM’s scholarship program.

    According to Ulya, scholarship programs with various schemes will continue to be run in collaboration with universities. “We do this to continue creating local human resources that are increasingly competitive. We hope that the knowledge gained by the participants can be a provision in achieving success. Let us all continue to work together to realize a better future,” he said.

    Director of AKOM, Ahmad Jaya, S.Pd., MT. congratulated all graduates and graduates who successfully graduated and held the title of Heavy Equipment Engineering Primary Expert (A.P.Tab). According to him, the graduates have the potential to be absorbed by the world of work. They have undergone good education with certified instructors and supported by adequate learning facilities.

    “Utilize the knowledge, skills, and life values that you have gained while studying at AKOM. Show your best quality that you are able to compete, both at the regional and national levels. Perform with good moral values, so that you become the pride of your family, region, and nation,” Ahmad said. 

    Ahmad also appreciated the support from various parties in realizing smart, skilled, creative, and competitive human resources. Since its establishment in 2016 until now, AKOM has graduated 1,200 students. In 2024, AKOM graduated 427 students and 100 of them came from Dompu Regency who received full scholarships from STM.  

    One of the scholarship recipients, M. Khusnul Arasy, expressed his gratitude for having the opportunity to study heavy equipment engineering with the full support of STM. During the learning period, he explored basic operating techniques, loading, excavation, and other matters related to the operation of heavy equipment. He is optimistic that he will be able to put his knowledge into practice in the future. 

    Meanwhile, a scholarship recipient’s guardian, Ridwan, highly appreciates STM for giving his son the opportunity to study D1 Heavy Equipment Engineering. He hopes this program can help his son to be better prepared for the world of work. “The distance from Dompu to Sumbawa is nothing compared to our happiness to be able to attend this graduation ceremony,” he said.

    In addition to the heavy equipment scholarship, STM also runs an achievement scholarship program. This program is given to outstanding students with high GPA scores from Dompu Regency and prioritizes those from underprivileged families. The recipients of this scholarship are studying in public and private universities and are prioritized for those majoring in mining and its support.

    In recognition of its education-focused programs, the Corporate Forum for CSR Development (CFCD) and the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) presented two awards to STM in the 2022 Sustainable Development Goals Award (ISDA). The two awards are Gold Award for Illiteracy Eradication Program and Gold Award for Education Quality Improvement Program.


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    About PT Sumbawa Timur Mining


    PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vale, and PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (20%). STM owns the Hu’u Project, a copper exploration project operating under the 7th Generation Mineral Contract of Work (CoW) in Hu’u District, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The CoW also holds geothermal resources. To explore this potential, the company has completed the Preliminary Survey and Geothermal Exploration Assignment. The CoW area spans 19,260 hectares across Dompu and Bima Regency. STM is continuing its journey to achieve its vision of becoming a world-class copper mining operation supported by renewable energy.

    For further information, please contact STM Communications Team.

    Sumbawa Timur Mining
    Sumbawa Timur Mining